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EE::s_peerTbl Struct Reference

Peer Device Table Entry. More...

#include <EEprom.h>

Public Attributes

const uint8_t cnl
const uint8_t pMax
 Maximum number of peer devices.
const uint16_t pAddr
 Address of configuration data in EEprom memory.

Detailed Description

Peer Device Table Entry.

This structure is used to specify the number of possible peers per channel and assign corresponding EEprom memory sections where peer information is to be stored.

For each channel and peered device, 4 bytes are written to EEprom memory denoting the peer device HMID (3 bytes) and peer device channel (1 byte). Consequently, the following definition with 6 possible peers for channel 1 will use 24 bytes in EEprom memory, starting at address 0x0098:

// cnl, pMax, pAddr;
{ 1, 6, 0x0098 },
The number of entries in the list EE::s_peerTbl peerTbl must match the number of lists specified in EE::s_devDef devDef.

For other configuration data stored in EEprom memory, see s_cnlTbl.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: