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New AskSin framework to develop HomeBrew (HM-compatible) devices based on Arduino hardware.


This is the NewAskSin API-Documentation. It includes a growing, increasingly detailed documentation of most of the classes, some design overviews and examples.

Suggested Reading

Read page Basic Concepts to learn about Protocol Basics and the Device Model.

The examples subdirectory contains working examples of devices that can be readily compiled and uploaded to AVR based hardware. They can be used as starting points to derive firmware for similar hardware by applying minor modifications.

Add a few links to external resources, e.g. fhem forum, fhem wiki or other useful information

Do it yourself - The HomeBrew device

In order to develop your own device, you will start to layout the device properties, decide over channels and think about parameters and message frames. Once this is done, you can start defining the device using the NewAskSin framework

Provide Step-by-step instruction how to start from scratch. Maybe on a separate page?

Things to consider

When using the NewAskSin framework, a few things need to be considered, to avoid pitfalls and unwanted side-effects

System time

The arduino function millis() can not be used together with NewAskSin. If your code requires the time since startup in milli-seconds, use getMillis(), instead.